Die Porzellan- und Scherbensammlung der Familie Piatti wurde wurde bereits in verschiedenen Ausstellungen in Japan und Österreich gezeigt.
Die Porzellan- und Scherbensammlung der Familie Piatti wurde wurde bereits in verschiedenen Ausstellungen in Japan und Österreich gezeigt.
Die Ausstellung “Beyond Fragmentation” zeigte die ersten fertiggestellten Restauration- und Konservierungsarbeiten von Studierenden der Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien.
Mittels “State-of-the-Art” Techniken wurden Objekte der Porzellan- und Scherbensammlung rekonstruiert, sowie historische Wandbespannungen analysiert und konserviert.
Since the end of 2022, the porcelain collection is back in Loosdorf Castle.
In the next years, the collection will be elaborated by the University of Applied Arts as part of the "Broken Collection" project.
Among other things, the main topics of restoration, conservation and art history will be examined and dealt with in more detail.
Das Kick-Off Event hat am 20. Mai 2023 im Schloss Loosdorf stattgefunden. Es wurde dabei ein erster Einblick in die Projektarbeit der Universität gezeigt.
The exhibition in the course of the kick-off event can be visited until August 25 by appointment. Details can be found under "Museum - Opening Hours".
Ö1 Leporello
Ö1 reports on the history of the "Scherbenzimmer" and the porcelain collection of Loosdorf Castle in connection with the project "Broken Collection" of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
The collection was analyzed by a Japanese university on site in 2015 and officially confirmed as Japanese cultural property.
A large part of the collection was subsequently restored in Japan by world-renowned restorers with the great assistance of Ms. Machiko Hoshina.
The aim was, among other things, that the shards, as a result of war crimes, find "peace" again through restoration in their country of origin, Japan.
Parts of the collection were presented at the "Spouse Program" of the G20 Summit in Osaka.
On the 4th of November 2020, the exhibition "The Tragedy of Loosdorf Castle" opened at the OKURA Museum of Art in Tokyo.
The exhibition tells the tragic story of the Piatti family's porcelain collection. For this purpose, selected pieces were restored in Japan and impressively exhibited together with the shards.
The exhibition was also shown at the Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum near Nagoya, at the Hagi Uragami Museum in Yamaguchi Prefecture, and finally at the Kyushu Ceramic Museum in Arita.
"The Destruction and Rebirth of Exported Old-Imari - The Tragedy of Loosdorf Castle" - Exhibition of the porcelain and shard collection at the Okura Museum of Art in Tokyo.
© Takao Oya